Saturday 19 July 2014


Caught the train from Zurich in the evening to Munich, we got to Munich at 10.45 pm and waited 45minutes for the sleeper train to Venice. Travelling on a sleeper train is a must have experience. 4 of us in a 6 bed compartment with an elderly German couple making it up to 6, and who didn't speak to us..........much. Why do I go through life bumping into scary women???

When we got up, half the train was missing, they had disconnected mid way, the other half going to Budapest. Arrived in Venice at 8.30 am and caught the Vaporetto to drop the luggage of. Sight seeing round Venice and found another IWC shop at St Marks Square. Interesting how everyone oggles over the Rolex window next door and no one at the IWC window.

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